December 8, 2011

See how we've grown

Yes, it's been awhile. Like three and a half years! Luckily, this page was still here and after some trial and lots of errors, I am ready to hit the post button. It might be earth shattering so hold on!

Mikaela Anne. My baby! She got into a hilarious arguement with Madi the other day... about who was born first and why... From what I heard, she was ready for me to 'squeeze' her 'out' but Madi got in the way! Nobody bothered to tell me that at the time. I only know we were suprised to have 'the big one' last, so maybe there is something to her story. Kiki fits the youngest role perfectly. She's a know-it-all-always-right-bossy-busybody! :) Argue till she's blue in the face and all her blood vessels are visible. She's Sparkle Eyes, just ask her auntie. She's up and she's down. She's giggles and belly laughs. She can read, which blows me away. She's independent. I think I walked her to her classroom the first week. These days, she's out of the van and straight to her room with hardly a backwards glance. Sometime she eats breakfast at school even though everyone else ate at home. Only Kiki makes her rules and she changes them constantly. I think we're ready to take on the world, cause I'm sure that's right after being a big kindergartener. Right? :)

Blondie blondie blondie. Did you know that when you put goggles on a kid and drop her in water, she magically starts swimming? :) Ok, maybe that's not been proven completely, but this little monkey has made it true for her. Why? Beats me, but she's tiny enough to use a hot tub as a pool and once the goggles were on all her concerns swam away and she flitted across from one end to the other. She's the only monkey I can still cuddle with, and hold without losing feeling in my lap! And she always wants me to carry her to bed where I tuck her in and she hugs me super tight, kisses my cheek and blows another kiss at me as I'm leaving the bedroom. She is also the only one who insists that I walk her to her classroom each morning. But first, we have to leave her coat, boats, snowpants (to ward off the tundra weather), and backpack. Her folder, glasses case, lunch box and bus tag go to her classroom. There Madi gives Ms Waterson (who is from Goshen, IN!!!) her bus tag, puts her folder in the folder box, sets her lunch box on the ground with the case for her glasses slid in the handle and (my most favorite part) hugs me and kisses my cheek!! Seriously, little love bug!! She loves her teacher, and I'm pretty sure Mrs. Jorgenson loves her too.

Hugging a tree was on the check list at Mt. Rushmore's Junior Ranger gig.

Oh little miss JennaMae, or as Aunt 'Nita calls her; Whistle Queen. She's a very different little squirt then she was a few years ago. Half grown and still silly, but somehow more grumpy and less sparkly. She still has her moments. Must have something to do with being a serious and incredibly smart first grader! She's taught herself how to whistle, ride her bike and write her name (and mine) in cursive. Jboy had something to do with that. If he can, she can too and better! Ah yes, her personality is still very rampant. :) She is a whiz in math, reading, spelling... she amazes me daily. She has no enemies even though not everyone is nice to her. Her preschool teacher described her as 'the sweetheart' and that still suits her quite well. In just under two weeks she will be 7! Nope, I'm not ready for this. Hang on Mama!!

Silly grins and big girl teeth.

Jboy's snake... the one that took the 8 hour trip with us.

Remember the little guy? He just turned 9 a week ago. It really is kind of sad! I miss him wanting me for every little thing. He does still like sitting right next to me on the couch. :) These days, he doesn't want to do his homework. None of it. He wants to eat ice cream every evening. Sounds like his uncle Paul! And he loves Star Wars! And dragons! Maybe George Lucas could write a new story where the Jedi inhabit a land with dragons! He also likes nature. And he doesn't want a furry pet; he wants a parrot, snake, turtle or lizard and the cute little frogs. Thankfully he's not into spiders! The snake was caught at his bff's house last April and survived the trip back to Minnesota. Mama's just a push over. I even carried it into the gas station when we stopped for potty breaks. But alas, MinnesNota was just too cold for the poor critter and he is no more. Maybe we'll have better luck next summer!