February 26, 2008

JennaMae and the Big Fat Toilet

Hello all! I have discovered one of the true wonders of the world! The amazing Big Fat Toilet! Or perhaps I should say that JennaMae opened my eyes to it! She has been using the Big Fat Toilet lately (all the time instead of every now and then), and one day she decided that she could do it all herself! Now when I say this, I mean that she decided NOT to tell me when she went to use the Big Fat Toilet! So she is merrily doing her business and wiping and flushing (which is the first and only warning often). Well that all sounds groovey and fine, except that then I have to chase her down and see to it that her hands get washed properly, and take her Bob the Builder seat (Justin's actually, but he doesn't need or use it) off the Big Fat Toilet etc... Really, its an everyday thing now, and I'm quite accustomed to it; its actually more like an every half hour thing, but you get the idea. Okay, I know what you're thinking, I should have said JennaMae discovered one of the true wonders of the world. Well, she certainly has, but my discovery is a bit different than hers. On one of those occasions, after the Big Fat Toilet was heard flushing, JennaMae informed me in her proudest way that she had used all the rest of the toilet paper and that I would have to put a new role on. Well, that worried me because I had just put a new one on the day before! So up to the bathroom I charged and flung open the lid (the little monkey had taken the little seat off herself already- so efficient was she, no wonder she was so proud!), and 'Gasp! Oh My Word! This Thing Will Never Flush!!!' Sure enough, she had unroled the entire role of toilet paper and apparently used all of it and put it ALL into the Big Fat Toilet! Have you ever seen how full that makes a toilet? Oh, and JennaMae refers to it as the Big Fat Toilet. To her any thing that is 'bigger' than another of the same thing is a 'Big Fat' whatever. I just new I would have to reach into the stool and pull out most of the TP, and started to- yes I know that's gross- but I was panicked and thought I had no other alternative! I wasn't about to call a plumber over toilet paper either! Well, to be sure, I TRIED to flush the mess down; mind you, there was ONLY TP in the Big Fat Toilet, and water; but I held the handle down when I flushed and it didn't budge. So I thought I'd try just one more time, then start digging. Well by golly! The second time I didn't hold the handle down, and with a mighty roar and 'whosh' it ALL went down! Now that's some Big Fat Toilet! It is really a wonder! I think if/when we move, it will go with us! It's seriously part of the family now, and you can't leave your family members behind! The Big Fat Toilet is very loud and I don't like flushing it when anyone is sleeping, it might just wake them up. And it's one of those older ones that didn't have the low flow thing to save water... Anyway, it is the only kind to have around when you're teaching little monkeys how to go potty! And little Miki has taken to sitting on it a time or two, so... perhaps we'll get several monkeys trained on the Big Fat Toilet this year!

February 8, 2008

"can you spot the 'fotz' ?"

I know some (prob most) of you will wonder about that word 'fotz'. well let me just say, it is a word from the good ol' Pennsylvania Dutch that we grew up speaking, and I have taught our little monkeys the language from day one. what it translates to is 'the act of passing gas'. somehow, it is more fitting perhaps then the english word (which I hate!), and also more intriguing then 'toot' for the J-boy! speaking of the J-boy, some of his words come out a bit different then intended; such as words beginning with 'sp' and 'l' to name a few. well, several days ago, after we had put the littlest monkeys to bed, I had J&J get some books and I sat down with them and we read. now, I say 'we read', and that is because they can read one of the books quite well. it is a delightful little book called, 'Sung House, Bug House', very catching and sweet. it is about six insects who find a tennis ball and convert it into a house. both Justin and JennaMae can read it, and as we sat on the chair with the book they both read it with me. here is how it goes: "find it, think it, plan it, ink it. scoop it, smash it, push it , mash it. mix it, pour it, smooth it, floor it. roll it, stop it, saw it, drop it. cut it, glue it, nail it ( JM always says 'hammer it'), screw it. stir it, fill it, paint it, spill it. roof it, wire it, finish it, admire it. Ed's room, Fred's room, Ann's room, Fran's room, Spot's room, Dot's room. crazy room, lazy room, sound room, round room. small house, ball house, snug house, bug house." for those of you who have heard Justin's pronounciations, then you can imagine how this all turned out! as I got to the part of 'Spot's room', Justin quite gravely said, ''fotz room". well, I was really tired and it just hit me right and I just sat there and shook with laughter! this naturally got both J&J to laughing and giggling and soon we could NOT even continue the book, short as it was. and every word was hilariously funny after that! why is it that such an 'innocent' thing becomes so outrageously funny and causes little monkeys and their parents to lose it? we had ourselves a very healthy laugh- tho we did get some 'looks' from Duane! he must have thought we were being pretty silly! the laugh was good for us all tho, we really needed to have a good laugh since everyone has been sick.
and speaking of being sick, it seems the monkeys have all recovered nicely, but Duane is home for the second day today with a fever and sore throat! guess he might as well join in the fun! he is trying to rest here and I get to take off for some fun! yesterday I took Justin to the bank, culvers, walmart, and then home to drop off the goods, and then off to the library where we checked out a huge pile of books! he had a blast doing it all himself; he signed the back of his card and even scanned the books! today is JennaMae's day. she unfortunantly has a Dr's appt and isn't looking forward to that, but I've promised her ice cream and something special. what should we do? hmmmm....we will find something fun!
all for now, have a wonderful day from where ever you may be!