April 18, 2008


Know this fellow? Yes, Miss JennaMae was to busy to be bothered with a picture!

Hello all! We have had a very busy spring. I took the monkeys on a three week 'roadtrip'. We left Kearney (warm and sunny) for Indiana on March 20; stopping for breakfast, lunch (both hour long stops), then to some wonderful friends in Iowa for a long run (literally! the monkeys chased each other around and around the house). Also got to see Jeffers the Butler there! That was sooooo nice! I haven't gotten to see Jeff since before JennaMae was born! Thank you so very much Brenda! The kiddos had fun playing and 'helping' feed the bottle calves and lambs at Doug and Brenda's farm. And I had a great chance to visit and relax!

I noticed at every stop that it was a little (ok, sometimes alot) cooler than the last stop! We eventually got to Duane's brother and family for the night. I say that because I missd my exit and ended up going the very scenic route! Two hours of it! Glen and Becky had freezing rain and by the time we got to my parents, we were into snow!
I am reminded now why I don't do this very often! I have several fighting, hitting, screaming little monkeys (they can get really loud), and this thing (the blogger thing) is really annoying! As you have seen at THE TOP OF THIS PAGE, we had a birthday party for all the kiddos. The birthdays are all from Dec to April so we just had one huge bash. The kids had fun and thanks to Aunt Miss, they each had their own party hat, or beak! My mom made an adorable little snowman cake and six cupcakes- one for each birthday kid!
This was just the first 2 days worth of 'stuff'! Ah.... WHOOSH!!!


The J's said...

Hey girl! I thought you were gone forever!! love the pix & snowman :*)
I think I get a shirt from the MS people, not sure depends on if I raised enough $$ I guess...Cyndie's son-in-law made hers for her. I'm hoping tomorrow will be nice. I'm SO tired of cold!--of course in a couple months I'll probably be complaining about the heat too...lol!

Anita said...

Hey sis! I love the pic of you and the kids and Jeff! JennaMae, Aunt Nita is going to come get you if you don't show up for the photo shoots.

How're the triplets?